Trying new things is scary, especially as an adult. Putting your heart on your sleeve, speaking your truth, doing something so personal the possibility of failure seems unbearable. Being vulnerable is sharing myself with the world, in a way that is different from what I’m used to. I struggle because I’m open to criticism, rejection or getting my ego bruised. Yet if I avoid being vulnerable I miss new opportunities, new connections and being my true self.
Brené Brown, a leading researcher and author says “vulnerability is the birthplace of love, joy, trust, intimacy, courage - everything that brings meaning into our life”. All feelings I desire. So how do I cultivate having what Brené calls a “strong back, soft front, wild heart”? How do I practice courageous vulnerability?
Vulnerability is not just about what other people think. It is about letting go of my own self criticism. It is about standing up and showing up for what I truly want and releasing control over the outcome. Being vulnerable requires courage, authenticity and honoring myself especially when it is hard or I am afraid. A good example is creating a business, launching a website, posting photos on Instagram and soliciting clients. Even writing this blog makes me feel vulnerable.
I crave more joy, creativity and love. Every day I want to release fear, embrace courage and share in authentic ways. I practice courageous vulnerability in my life by:
Releasing perfectionism
Trying (and failing) at new things
Letting go of results
Understand my relationship with vulnerability today and in the future
Act and speak as my true self
As I look to grow my business I keep saying to myself “be brave, be authentic, be open to imperfection”. It takes a lot of courage to do the hard stuff and live a vulnerable and truly authentic life. I reframe the word now to mean an exciting new adventure.