Lately, I've felt that starting a new business and working for myself is incredibly hard. There are more days than I'd like to admit where I've struggled to stay positive, focused on tasks and not give up. It's (not so) funny because I work with women to follow their own dreams, find the courage to do so and be their accountability partner. Yet sometimes, I need to be my own coach and cheerleader.
Today something happened to turn around my day. A friend sent a text that lifted my spirits. While my yoga teaching is growing (I'm almost sold out of my first retreat!!), the coaching growth of In The Flow has been slower. There are days when I honestly feel like throwing in the towel, crying with chocolate, begging for a full time job - or all of the above. I've made three homemade breads in four days, defrosted my fridge and even washed my car. A combination of procrastination, distraction from my feelings and a touch of giving up.
But here's why I refuse to give in. It's because of you - yes, you, the person reading this. When I started In The Flow, it was with the intention of inspiring women like you. Helping you connect with yourself, pursue your dreams and live your best life. None of this is easy, even for those with financial stability, successful careers and supportive partners or communities. Life can be challenging for all of us, and sometimes we get stuck. We want to give up, we feel inadequate and we question whether we truly deserve a life of our own creation (I'm speaking from personal experience here).
So when I read the text from my friend, acknowledging the effort I've been putting into my work and reminding me that progress may seem slow, I felt something. She wrote, "DO NOT give up" and that really struck something in me. She's absolutely right - I can't abandon my dreams. None of us can. We have these longings for a reason, a purpose that only you may understand. While it may be really flipping hard and let's face it, anything new usually is - our hard work will pay off. Perhaps it will manifest as new clients, coaching sessions with remarkable women and the creation of programs to help you uncover and achieve your own dreams. Or maybe the hard work will lead me to pivot my business, teaching me valuable lessons and being proud of myself taking risks and making mistakes. And either option really is okay. It's all part of the journey. It's about not giving up on myself.
I know I want to grow my business. It's something I deeply care about and yes it is discouraging when my actions fail to create forward momentum. You may feel the same when you put yourself out there for something. I have clarity on what I want and I know I must remain true to myself. I need to focus on motivation (more marketing, less bread baking) and remember the joy that comes from pursuing my purpose. With the right intentions, we can stay authentic and find excitement in even the tiniest steps forward. I will not give up. We will not give up.
Take some time to think about what you really want and where your motivation (or lack of) currently is. The best way to start is by sitting still, closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Begin with your career goals and then expand to your personal aspirations. As you reflect on why you're resisting certain tasks that align with your goals, let go of judgment and self-criticism. The moment we start judging ourselves, we lose the ability to be objective observers of our thoughts and actions. The "shoulds" creep in. Once we enter the should zone, walls are built, excuses multiply and our drive to accomplish tasks diminishes. Remember, making ourselves feel bad has never helped anyone achieve their goals.
Not giving up is an ongoing process that requires constant nurturing. What do you really want? How can you ignite your inner spark? I know my mission and because of that, I refuse to give up.
Remember the power of choice. Giving up is a choice, and I choose not to take it. We all have the power to choose and be the masters of our own lives. So seize that power, and never give up on your dreams. Also text a friend today and provide some encouragement. You never know what a quick text can do to someone’s day.